Antelope County


Antelope County Court House
501 Main Street
Neligh, Nebraska 68756

Business Hours: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday excluding holidays


The Antelope County Treasurer's Office will be CLOSED Tuesday, October 1st from 10:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. for a State of Nebraska Title Fraud training.


4H Assistant

Nebraska Extension-Antelope County is looking for a 4H Assistant. This individual would teach and manage effective educational programming in 4H and Youth Development. Bachelor's degree in Youth Development, Education or a closely related field must be completed by the start date. For more information, please click HERE. Antelope County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This position is subject to a veteran's preference.




Primary Election:  Tuesday, May 14th, 2024  

General Election: Tuesday, November 5th, 2024


Don't Forget VOTER ID is required!

Preview your ballot at:

(See County Offices: Election Commissioner Page for more Information)


*2022 General Official Results




  • Attorney General Mike Hilgers is warning consumers that THC-containing products sold in Nebraska may be dangerous for human consumption.

                    For more info please go to this link…

                                        Attorney General Consumer Warning | Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers


  • Safety Tips to Protecting Kids on the Internet. You can view the resource at:





AGENDA, September 17th, 2024, 8:00 AM


Open meeting/roll call by Chairman or Vice Chairman

State that the open meetings information is posted on the east wall with additional         copies available at the Clerk’s office



Budget Hearing

Budget Setting, Adoption Placing Resolutions 




****The items on the agenda do not necessarily have to be acted on in the above order.  The County Board has the right to modify the agenda upon convening, provided the matter is of an emergency nature.  ****

**At the discretion of the board we will recess for periodic breaks and lunch as needed **

**The Board reserves the right to go into closed session when deemed necessary by law or statute**


Open Meetings Act

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Public notice is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1633, that a representative of the following political subdivisions will meet on the 18th day of September 2024 at 6:01 PM, in the Commissioner Meeting Room, Antelope County Courthouse Annex for the purpose of conducting a joint public hearing to obtain public input on a property tax increase proposed by the subdivisions:

  City of Elgin, 402.843.5822, property tax requested: ($217,655.00)

  Elgin Public School, 402.843.2455 property tax requested: ($3,636,363.00)


Said meeting is open to the public. Accommodations for the disabled are available upon request. Please contact the Antelope County Clerk at 402.887.4410 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting if accommodations are required.

There is no item on the agenda for this joint public meeting other than discussion of each political subdivision’s intent to increase its property tax request by a percentage greater than the “allowable growth percentage” defined in § 77-1633. The political subdivisions shall make their presentations in the order listed above.

We invite you to browse our web site to learn about our County offices and the services Antelope County, Nebraska offers its citizens. 

This web site contains information about Antelope County programs, services, departments and offices, as well as helpful information on commonly asked questions. We encourage you to use this site frequently for local government information. Please contact the Webmaster if you have questions, comments or suggestions on how we can improve this web site.



When Reporting an issue with a WIND TURBINE:

  1. Call the Zoning Administrator at 402-887-4248
  2. Call the Sheriff’s Office at 402-887-4148
  3. Or Call Invenergy’s Neligh Office at 531-484-2660


Upcoming Events